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Very happy that you have added Automatic File Deletion to Folder Options. This is extemely helpful.  One question:   Ideally, I would like to have one folder which auto-deletes files every day, then have all my other folders auto-delete files after 14 days.  However when I set that folder to delete files after one day, it changes ALL the other folders in my account to delete after one day, too.

Any way I can specify different auto delete times for different folders?   Just wondering.  Thanks ...

5/15/2011 10:37:23 AM

You can use two DriveHQ accounts by upgrading for free to a group account.  Just create a new sub-user using your 1 free sub-user license.  If you keep the two folders on separate accounts and use the automatic file deletion feature, you can have them delete automatically at different times. 

5/17/2011 12:05:14 PM

Why is the automatic file deletion option disabled on my account?


3/25/2012 7:46:32 AM

The automatic file deletion feature is available only to premium customers.  Please purchse a subscription if you would like to use this feature.

3/26/2012 10:28:56 AM

I have a paid account, and can select "Enable Automatic File Deletion" but cannot change the default "3 days" (boxes are greyed out)

5/22/2014 1:01:16 AM

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