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My site can be published on http://www.drivehq.com/web/<website>  , it works.
but http://<website>.drivehq.com does not work : the requested file: "\wwwhome\home.htm" is not found.

I've tried : disable / re-enable but it still does not work.

My website url is like this : http://<first_name>.<last_name>.drivehq.com


9/25/2007 3:20:48 AM

It seems the system doesn't support usernames in this format:


If your username is "john.doe", then http://john.doe.drivehq.com/ doesn't work. So please use a simpler username. You can use it like john-doe or JohnDoe.

9/26/2007 8:03:09 AM

 I published my website to www.home but i cant see it.... live

6/15/2011 10:09:10 PM

In order to publish and view your website, you must be a true or paid DriveHQ member.  For information about becoming a true or paid member, please see here: http://www.drivehq.com/help/doc/myaccount.htm.  Please also make sure your homepage is titled "home.htm" for it to work properly. 

6/16/2011 10:30:46 AM

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