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CameraFTP Support Forum \
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CameraFTP.com is optimized for security cameras, surveillance cameras or IP cameras. It is far better than other FTP services in that:

(1) It is more efficient. CameraFTP.com automatically packs multiple images into zip files.

(2) CameraFTP.com offers "Camera Player" feature, which allows you to play back the recorded images. It supports PCs, MACs, and mobile platforms such as iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone. It also supports real-time monitoring.

(3) You can set image retention days. Older images are automatically deleted after certain number of days. (So that you will not exceed your storage space limit. )

(4) CameraFTP.com is more secure. Even if an intruder stole your camera and hacked your FTP username and password, he cannot delete your recorded images. To delete your images, he needs to access a different secure password!

(5) We offer 2-day free trial. Our price starts at only $1.5/month/camera. It is simply unbeatable!


10/19/2012 12:14:32 PM

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