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  • Changes in spatial pattern of trees and snags in a Norway spruce permanent plot in Paneveggio.pdf
    Changes in spat...o.pdf
  • Confronto tra tecniche di ripresa digitali e tradizionali per la descrizione del clima luminoso nella foresta di Paneveggio TN.pdf
    Confronto tra t...N.pdf
  • Evaluating Stand Density Index in Southern Piedmont Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) stands - poster Modeling Forest Production.pdf
    Evaluating Stan...n.pdf
  • Le pinete di pino silvestre come testimoni delle trasformazioni del paesaggio montano in Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta.pdf
    Le pinete di pi...a.pdf
  • Local Calibration of the Forest Vegetation Simulator Using Custom Inventory Data .pdf
    Local Calibrati... .pdf
  • Scots pine forests in the NW Italian Alps. What has changed in the last 50 years.pdf
    Scots pine fore...s.pdf
  • Spatio-temporal pattern of decline in Scots pine vitality.pdf
  • Stand history in a mixed and multilayered forest in the Upper Susa Valley.pdf
    Stand history i...y.pdf
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