Reflection #3

I thought the midterm was a fair set of questions, and I felt good about my knowledge of the topics covered. I did not review Peck's chapters enough to remember all of the terminology, but I knew I could point right to most everything in Dreamweaver. After Dr. O'Bannon's review of the test, I understood better how some of my answers could be read as not specific enough.

In general this semester, I have been about a week behind in preparation.
I was not planning to even take a class this semester because of all the obligations I have right now at work and at home, but Matt talked me into joining him in a class.

I am close to caught up on the reading and activities, and I think my webpage will be fairly straightfoward. I have had a lot of problems trying to control my homepage layout (size of columns, image positioning, etc.) There must be a more standard way of doing this, than constantly tweaking the various elements.

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