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I have set up EvoCam, a webcam program that allows you to upload files mostly .jpg and .mov files to an FTP location. Here is the error log, it looks like the problem is the command RNFR. I've bolded the errors. Thanks for any advice!

LOG ---




// EvoCam 3.6.8 Transcript


* Preparing to upload file to

* Resuming connection to

< PORT 192,168,1,65,192,64

> 200 Port command successful.

< STOR webcam.tmp

> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer.

> 226 Transfer complete

< RNFR webcam.tmp

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam.jpg

> 550 File already exists.

< DELE webcam.jpg

> 250 File "webcam.jpg" was deleted successfully.

< RNFR webcam.tmp

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam.jpg

> 250 File "/webcam.tmp" renamed successfully.

* Upload successful

* 522392 bytes transferred in 5 seconds (102 KBytes/second)

* Leaving FTP session open (4 images uploaded)

* Preparing to upload file to

* Resuming connection to

< PORT 192,168,1,65,192,65

> 200 Port command successful.

< STOR webcamThumb.tmp

> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer.

> 226 Transfer complete

< RNFR webcamThumb.tmp

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcamThumb.jpg

> 550 File already exists.

< DELE webcamThumb.jpg

> 250 File "webcamThumb.jpg" was deleted successfully.

< RNFR webcamThumb.tmp

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcamThumb.jpg

> 250 File "/webcamThumb.tmp" renamed successfully.

* Upload successful

* 7932 bytes transferred in 1 seconds (7 KBytes/second)

* Leaving FTP session open (5 images uploaded)

* Updating history

< RNFR webcam24.jpg

> 550 Permission denied.

< RNFR webcam23.jpg

> 550 Permission denied.

< RNFR webcam3.jpg

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam4.jpg

> 250 File "/webcam3.jpg" renamed successfully.

< RNFR webcam2.jpg

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam3.jpg

> 250 File "/webcam2.jpg" renamed successfully.

< RNFR webcam1.jpg

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam2.jpg

> 250 File "/webcam1.jpg" renamed successfully.

< RNFR webcam0.jpg

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam1.jpg

> 250 File "/webcam0.jpg" renamed successfully.

* Preparing to upload file to

* Resuming connection to

< PORT 192,168,1,65,192,66

> 200 Port command successful.

< STOR webcam0.tmp

> 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer.

> 226 Transfer complete

< RNFR webcam0.tmp

> 350 File exists, ready for destination name.

< RNTO webcam0.jpg

> 250 File "/webcam0.tmp" renamed successfully.

* Upload successful

* 522392 bytes transferred in 5 seconds (102 KBytes/second)

* Leaving FTP session open (6 images uploaded)


9/7/2010 11:37:05 AM

I looked at the FTP log and noticed that most files were renamed successfully. We have a lot of users using Security Camera with our FTP service and we have not received any similar reports. We are not sure why the error happens with this file. In anyway, please email DriveHQ customer support with more detailed info about which file (in which folder) is having this problem.

Also, please note you cannot use WebCam, security camera, surveilance camera or any other automatic FTP device / software with DriveHQ free FTP service. Using such software / device will create 100s of times more load than a regular person. Since our free service is designed for personal and casual use only, it will not work with such heavy use. Please consider upgrading to our paid service.

9/7/2010 12:15:46 PM

DriveHQ has launched www.cameraFTP.com, a new FTP service optimized for IP cameras. DriveHQ offers a complete Cloud IT Solution, which includes a state-of-the-art FTP server hosting service. Many security camera users have used our FTP service to store the recorded images offsite. Because DriveHQ.com has so many features, it might be a little hard to find the right features for security cameras.

With www.CameraFTP.com, it is much easier. You can configure your camera to upload images to ftp.cameraftp.com, (or IP Address:, and you can remotely monitor the scene or play back the old images using our CameraShow feature.

Security cameras are not secure themselves. They can be easily destroyed or tampered. By using CameraFTP service, even if an intruder destroys the security camera, he cannot delete the images stored in CameraFTP's secure data center.

If you already have a security camera (or network camera, IP camera, surveillance camera), you definitely should try our CameraFTP service. If you don't have a security camera yet, you might want to buy one now. The cost has dropped dramatically in the past few years. Now you can buy a decent quality wireless security camera for only about $100. Dependent on your image quality and upload frequency, CameraFTP service starts at only $1.5/month!

For only about $100 to a few hundred dollars, you can make your home or business much more secure. Isn't it a very good investment?

6/25/2012 4:45:27 PM

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