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Hello, the Drivehq service is great, but I have a problem with FTP paths in ANOYMOUS login (testing my account for public access).

When trying to donwload a file (from a previously published folder) with full path works fine, this is the log:

ncftp / > get /presi/paee/ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
> get /presi/paee/ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk

200: Type set to I
Cmd: SIZE /presi/paee/ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
213: 115718
Cmd: MDTM /presi/paee/ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
213: 200691710593
Cmd: REST 1
350: Restarting at 1.
Cmd: REST 0
350: Restarting at 0.
227: Entering Passive Mode (66,220,9,50,19,50).
Cmd: RETR /presi/paee/ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
150: Connection accepted
ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk:           ETA:   0:15    4,24/113,01 kB    7,48 kB/s
226: Transfer complete

But trying the same entering first in "presi" folder and then "paee" is not working, the log:

ncftp / > cd presi
> cd presi

Cmd: CWD presi
250: CWD command successful. "/drivehqshare/presi" is current directory.
ncftp /presi > cd paee
> cd paee

Cmd: CWD paee
550: CWD command failed. "paee": Permission denied.
Could not chdir to paee: server said: CWD command failed. "paee": Permission denied.

Another try is entering the folder with full path but is not working either:

ncftp / > cd /presi/paee
> cd /presi/paee

Cmd: CWD /presi/paee
250: CWD command successful. "/drivehqshare/presi/paee" is current directory.
ncftp /presi/paee > get ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
> get ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk

200: Type set to I
Cmd: SIZE ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
550: Permission denied.
Cmd: REST 1
350: Restarting at 1.
Cmd: REST 0
350: Restarting at 0.
227: Entering Passive Mode (66,220,9,50,18,203).
Cmd: RETR ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk
550: Permission denied.
get ncurses_5.2_mipsel.ipk: server said: Permission denied.

In addtion, directory listing in anonymous is not working, but this is a minor problem I think.

Please can you have a look? Thanks a lot.

9/17/2006 5:50:40 AM

It seems we have such a bug for published folder. We will fix it in the next version of DriveHQ FTP, expect it to be fixed in less than 2 weeks. In the meantime, please use IE to access published folders; you can also use DriveHQ FileManager to access published folders by entering a path like: \\USER_NAME\PUBLISH_NAME


9/17/2006 11:30:33 AM

To use files stored in the new FB iframe tabs, do they have to be published?  When I put it in the set up, I get a file not found.  Would like to sign up but want to make sure I can use files stored here in my facebook tabs.


3/26/2011 8:57:40 PM

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